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≫ [PDF] Gratis All I Ever Wanted An Abbott Springs Anthology Rhonda Helms Lexi Ryan Marilyn Brant Caisey Quinn 9781494946067 Books

All I Ever Wanted An Abbott Springs Anthology Rhonda Helms Lexi Ryan Marilyn Brant Caisey Quinn 9781494946067 Books

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Download PDF All I Ever Wanted An Abbott Springs Anthology Rhonda Helms Lexi Ryan Marilyn Brant Caisey Quinn 9781494946067 Books

All I Ever Wanted An Abbott Springs Anthology Rhonda Helms Lexi Ryan Marilyn Brant Caisey Quinn 9781494946067 Books

Abbott Springs, Ohio is having its yearly Winterfest involving the entire town. A group of friends both near and far is coming to attend the festivities. New relationships will be made from old as it heats up in the cold temperatures.

There are four stories, each one written beautifully. There's an overlap of all four stories, yet they're told in a way that allows them to stand out on their own as well as cohesively. This anthology is so well written that doesn't even come into question. Another aspect of this anthology that I really loved and applaud both the writers and the editor(s) for is how they managed to overlap yet not reveal anything that would spoil another story.

All About Us by Marilyn Brant centers around Sami Abbott whose home to keep up her "perfect daughter" image. She's shaken when she runs into Alex Hamilton whom she met when she was in her "wild college" persona and had a one night stand with before she left him with the wrong phone number.

All I Need by Caisey Quinn stars Everly (love the name!) Abbott coming home with her band to perform at Winterfest. She's afraid to perform having not forgotten what's happened to her in the past. Her best friend and band mate Justin Cohen hopes to show her she's stronger than she thinks and what she needs is something else.

All for Love by Rhonda Helms has Maya Monterrey going big. She's been in love with Oliver Abbott for a long time. She's going to try one last time to get his attention and hopefully have him see her as something other than "little sister's best friend/like my little sister". If he doesn't she's ready to leave the only place and family that as has felt like home.

All or Nothing by Lexi Ryan features best friends Aubree Baxter and Kennedy Hale. Aubree is looking for something in all the wrong places and Kennedy is avoiding taking control of his own future. Something happened three months ago that's made things awkward between them and Bree is ready to bail. Kennedy has to change things if he doesn't want to lose her.

I can't tell you which story I loved best because that would be unfair and really hard to do. I enjoyed visiting Abbott Springs and Winterfest and would've loved a cup of hot cider or Sami's Mexican hot chocolate. I was loathe to leave everyone on that covered bridge. I sincerely hope to read more collaborations written as well as this one.

I'd like to thank the authors for sharing a review copy with me. I loved it so much I went out and bought my self a finished copy from a retailer. I will also be adding the paperback to my library shortly.

Read All I Ever Wanted An Abbott Springs Anthology Rhonda Helms Lexi Ryan Marilyn Brant Caisey Quinn 9781494946067 Books

Tags : All I Ever Wanted: An Abbott Springs Anthology [Rhonda Helms, Lexi Ryan, Marilyn Brant, Caisey Quinn] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Winterfest is heating up in Abbott Springs... </i><div></div><div></div><div></div><div>As the town's yearly festival kicks off,Rhonda Helms, Lexi Ryan, Marilyn Brant, Caisey Quinn,All I Ever Wanted: An Abbott Springs Anthology,CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,1494946068,Romance - Contemporary,Fiction,Fiction - Romance,Fiction Romance Contemporary,Romance: Modern

All I Ever Wanted An Abbott Springs Anthology Rhonda Helms Lexi Ryan Marilyn Brant Caisey Quinn 9781494946067 Books Reviews

This is a nice little set of stories centered around one sleepy little town and a group of friends. I really enjoyed ever single one of these stories, they are well worth the read. As always with shorts I want more but the endings to each were lovely.
I've never been a fan of novellas or anthologies. I prefer novels. But the concept behind ALL I EVER WANTED intrigued me and curiosity had me bouncing this book to the top of my very large TBR pile. I'm glad I did.

We have four great New Adult authors each writing the story of two characters whose lives and story interconnect with the characters from the other stories. The anthology takes place during Winterfest, which brings home a number of characters from whatever adventures their lives are currently taking them. Each story is unique and is told in a dual point of view. And each story has a steamy romance. In a few cases, a very steamy romance. The best part is it didn't feel like I'd read any of the stories in the countless of NA books I've read. This is especially important since so many NA books seem to be a repetition to what's already out there. These four stories are fresh and hard to put down. I found myself sneaking off to read the book instead of doing what I needed to do.

Do I have a favorite? No. I loved them all. And while you don't need to read all the stories, I recommend that you do. It was cool seeing how one scene played on in one novella from one point of view's eyes, only to be viewed differently from another character in a different story (for example Caisey Quinn's and Lexi Ryan's stories). I think that was one of the things I loved most about the book. That, and how intricately woven the four stories were with each other.
This was such a sweet and heartwarming collection of novellas. I loved how they all interconnected and that we got to see little bits of the others characters in each story. Each story was packed full of so many cute moments. But there were also many heart-wrenching moments. I don't know how many times I felt like someone had a vise grip on my heart and could feel the threat of tears. Each story moved me in different ways but they all left me with a final sense of happiness.
Each authors individual style shined through in the characters personalities. The stories blended together so well though that you forget they were written by four different authors. Each story is told in dual POV which I loved. And because each story has a definitive end, you have the ease of knowing that you can sit down and read one story at a time and not feel the need or pressure to read the whole thing in one sitting. You can take your time, savor each little story.
So overall this was a sweet, fun, and extremely enjoyable read. Perfect for a cold winter night, sitting in front of the fire, with a nice cup of hot chocolate.
Abbott Springs, Ohio is having its yearly Winterfest involving the entire town. A group of friends both near and far is coming to attend the festivities. New relationships will be made from old as it heats up in the cold temperatures.

There are four stories, each one written beautifully. There's an overlap of all four stories, yet they're told in a way that allows them to stand out on their own as well as cohesively. This anthology is so well written that doesn't even come into question. Another aspect of this anthology that I really loved and applaud both the writers and the editor(s) for is how they managed to overlap yet not reveal anything that would spoil another story.

All About Us by Marilyn Brant centers around Sami Abbott whose home to keep up her "perfect daughter" image. She's shaken when she runs into Alex Hamilton whom she met when she was in her "wild college" persona and had a one night stand with before she left him with the wrong phone number.

All I Need by Caisey Quinn stars Everly (love the name!) Abbott coming home with her band to perform at Winterfest. She's afraid to perform having not forgotten what's happened to her in the past. Her best friend and band mate Justin Cohen hopes to show her she's stronger than she thinks and what she needs is something else.

All for Love by Rhonda Helms has Maya Monterrey going big. She's been in love with Oliver Abbott for a long time. She's going to try one last time to get his attention and hopefully have him see her as something other than "little sister's best friend/like my little sister". If he doesn't she's ready to leave the only place and family that as has felt like home.

All or Nothing by Lexi Ryan features best friends Aubree Baxter and Kennedy Hale. Aubree is looking for something in all the wrong places and Kennedy is avoiding taking control of his own future. Something happened three months ago that's made things awkward between them and Bree is ready to bail. Kennedy has to change things if he doesn't want to lose her.

I can't tell you which story I loved best because that would be unfair and really hard to do. I enjoyed visiting Abbott Springs and Winterfest and would've loved a cup of hot cider or Sami's Mexican hot chocolate. I was loathe to leave everyone on that covered bridge. I sincerely hope to read more collaborations written as well as this one.

I'd like to thank the authors for sharing a review copy with me. I loved it so much I went out and bought my self a finished copy from a retailer. I will also be adding the paperback to my library shortly.
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