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[DLL]∎ Read Whipped Hitched Volume 2 Alex Lux 9781939559340 Books

Whipped Hitched Volume 2 Alex Lux 9781939559340 Books

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Whipped Hitched Volume 2 Alex Lux 9781939559340 Books

Whipped is the sequel to Hitched in which Vi (Kacie's best friend) is the main character. Having gone on hiatus from her full-time job as a dominatrix, Vi decides to open up an adult store with her friend Zoe. The shop puts her in debt, causing her to fall behind on her bills, so she sets out to find a roommate. Enter Lachlan Pierce, a sexy Australian hunk with a body (and heart) to die for. The attraction is instant between the two of them despite Vi's rule that there will be no sex. But when he decides to take it steady, it's made known quickly that Lachlan is no sub. Can Vi let him take control?

I received an unedited ARC of this novel for the purpose of beta reading and reviewing and thus cannot comment on the spelling or grammar within. The flow, however, was lovely. At no point did the story drag on.

I would recommend Whipped to readers who enjoyed Hitched (or maybe didn't) and loved Vi's sassy antics. I would also recommend it to anyone that enjoys erotic romance and contemporary romance. This book contains graphic sexual encounters and is therefore only appropriate for adults.

Overall, I loved Whipped. So much more than Hitched, even. Vi's character speaks to me in a way that Kacie's did not, and for that, I feel Whipped was an even better read. Did I mention that Lachlan was the hunkiest hunk this side of the globe? If I could give this book more than five stars, I absolutely would. If you have yet to pick up a book from Karpov Kinrade, I implore you to do so. Their brand is quality books wrapped in gorgeous covers and sealed with a promise that there will be more to come. Maybe not in that series, but there will be another book and another and each one so far has been worth all of the time spent lost in the pages. I give Whipped a solid 5 stars.

Read Whipped Hitched Volume 2 Alex Lux 9781939559340 Books

Tags : Whipped (Hitched) (Volume 2) [Alex Lux] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <div><b>A USA Today </i>bestselling series.</b></div><div><b></b></div><div><b></b></div><div><b></b></div> <div><span></span></div><div> <span>She's a former dominatrix who owns a sex toy store in Vegas. He's an Australian male stripper who stars in the hottest show in town. When sparks fly between Vi and Lachlan,Alex Lux,Whipped (Hitched) (Volume 2),Daring Books Publishing,1939559340,Adult & contemporary romance,FICTION Romance Contemporary,Fiction - Romance,Romance - Contemporary

Whipped Hitched Volume 2 Alex Lux 9781939559340 Books Reviews

Karpov Kinrade delivers another fast-paced, sexy, race for love with two people who have nothing in common. Or do they?

Vi Reynolds is a free spirited, professional Domme, currently not being a Domme. She's sunk everything into "Whipped", a sex shop in Vegas, that's she's determined to make a success with her business partner, Zoe.

Lachlan Pierce is a man on a mission. He's a popular male dancer who's ready to stop dancing, and fulfill his dream. A dream that takes more money than he currently has. He's also a "player" AKA man-whore. In his defense, he never makes any promises to any woman, and the women he has sex with are also only in it for the sex. (I did say defense, right?)

Getting "Whipped" off the ground is costing Vi and Zoe a lot of money. Zoe lives with her boyfriend, Henry - a religiously conflicted nut-job she needs to drop like a bad transmission - but Vi lives alone and advertises for a roommate to cut her monthly expenses. Imagine her surprise (and his glee) when Lach, a regular customer of "Whipped", shows up as Vi's possible roommate candidate! Desperation, and Lach's huge wad of cash upfront, cause Vi make a decision that she's sure to regret.

While Vi relents and accepts that Lach will flirt with her, she immediately removes the option of sex from the picture. A decision she hedges on in her mind, and regrets totally after she finds out Lach's job - and sees him dance! The "dance" of the two of them trying to come to a meeting of the minds...and bodies...will make this a one-sitting read!

I applaud the authors for once again giving us a heroine who is strong, confident, and independent. Yes, she does know there is "something" missing in her life, but she's unable to figure out what "it" is, or what sacrifices she's willing to make to find "it". There aren't buckets of tears, no endless whining, and no one uses Vi as a doormat! We come to find out that Lach is not the total sleaze he's first thought to be, and his dream will win you over entirely.

Karpov Kinrade really amped up the humor with "Whipped". The paintball scene is just hilarious. The night at the male revue with Tate...hilarious. Lach meeting Vi's parents...hilarious. (I had to stop reading twice because I was laughing so hard!)

You will love Vi's parents. Zoe is a sweetie, Tate is...still Tate, and Kacie and Sebastian from "Hitched" are on hand for support. Lach's friends, Kevin and his mom, Mary, will tug at your heart.

"Whipped" will having you laughing on one page, and going, "Aww..." on the next. I highly recommend it!
Lachlan is a male dancer/stripper, but what he really wants is to open a youth center to teach kids how to dance and give them a safe place to go. He's spent years playing the field and taking advantage of the women his job offered. When he meets the woman he's been talking to about renting and sharing her apartment, he knows there's something special about her. He quickly realizes he's ready to spend more than one night with the same person.

Vi is part owner of a sex toy store. She's used to be an active member of a sex club where she was a Dom, but she wants more now. She's watched the Aussie hottie come in her store often buying products with different women. She can't believe he's the same guy she's been talking to about moving in her apartment and renting space. She's drawn to him immediately, but thinks he's a player.

Lach knows Vi isn't the one night only kinda girl, and he's determined to win her trust and see where a relationship with her can go. They move fast and get hot and heavy, but at the same time, they're so sweet and good for each other. Just when things are going good, it looks like the funding Lach needs for the youth center won't come. He's offered a huge amount of money to continue touring with his dance group one more year. Problem is he doesn't want to leave Vi. Long distance relationships are hard and theirs just started.

Lach and Vi are both great characters. I enjoyed getting to know and watch them grow closer. There are no major issues in this story. It's a standalone told from their alternating POVs. Doesn't take too long to read either.
Whipped is the sequel to Hitched in which Vi (Kacie's best friend) is the main character. Having gone on hiatus from her full-time job as a dominatrix, Vi decides to open up an adult store with her friend Zoe. The shop puts her in debt, causing her to fall behind on her bills, so she sets out to find a roommate. Enter Lachlan Pierce, a sexy Australian hunk with a body (and heart) to die for. The attraction is instant between the two of them despite Vi's rule that there will be no sex. But when he decides to take it steady, it's made known quickly that Lachlan is no sub. Can Vi let him take control?

I received an unedited ARC of this novel for the purpose of beta reading and reviewing and thus cannot comment on the spelling or grammar within. The flow, however, was lovely. At no point did the story drag on.

I would recommend Whipped to readers who enjoyed Hitched (or maybe didn't) and loved Vi's sassy antics. I would also recommend it to anyone that enjoys erotic romance and contemporary romance. This book contains graphic sexual encounters and is therefore only appropriate for adults.

Overall, I loved Whipped. So much more than Hitched, even. Vi's character speaks to me in a way that Kacie's did not, and for that, I feel Whipped was an even better read. Did I mention that Lachlan was the hunkiest hunk this side of the globe? If I could give this book more than five stars, I absolutely would. If you have yet to pick up a book from Karpov Kinrade, I implore you to do so. Their brand is quality books wrapped in gorgeous covers and sealed with a promise that there will be more to come. Maybe not in that series, but there will be another book and another and each one so far has been worth all of the time spent lost in the pages. I give Whipped a solid 5 stars.
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